Akshay Kumar’s Rustom and Hrithik Roshan’s Mohenjo Daro will both test their mettle at the box office during the Independence Day weekend. The box office predictions of bith the big films is out but the true picture will emerge only on August 12. While the Hrithik Roshan, Pooja Hegde film is a magnificent period drama set in the Indus Valley Civilisation, the Akshay Kumar, Ileana D'Cruz film is a taut thriller based on an infamous murder case involving a Navy officer. In terms of trailer views and song views on YouTube, Rustom is ahead of Mohenjo Daro.
While Rustom stars Ileana D’Cruz and Esha Gupta besides Akshay; Mohenjo Daro is the Bollywood debut of Pooja Hegde. However, Akshay’s film is a much smaller film than Hrithik’s. The difference in their cost is shocking. According to a Midday report, Rustom has been made at the cost of about Rs 50 crore while Mohenjo Daro’s budget is almost double at approximately Rs 100 crore. Add to the promotional budget of about Rs 10-15 crore each and you can imagine the big numbers we are dealing with here.
Mohenjo Daro has already made Rs 60 crore out of its pre-release sale of rights. The film needs another Rs 50-55 crore in terms of ticket sales to break even.The release that both films are getting reflects their budget. Backed by Disney, Mohenjo Daro is releasing on about 2300-2500 screen. In comparison, Rustom gets 2000 screens. This is the similar kind of divide which was seen when Shah Rukh Khan’s Dilwale clashed with Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone’s Bajirao Mastani in 2015.The first weekend collection of Rustom and Mohenjo Daro will decide which movie earns the box office game.
While Rustom stars Ileana D’Cruz and Esha Gupta besides Akshay; Mohenjo Daro is the Bollywood debut of Pooja Hegde. However, Akshay’s film is a much smaller film than Hrithik’s. The difference in their cost is shocking. According to a Midday report, Rustom has been made at the cost of about Rs 50 crore while Mohenjo Daro’s budget is almost double at approximately Rs 100 crore. Add to the promotional budget of about Rs 10-15 crore each and you can imagine the big numbers we are dealing with here.
Mohenjo Daro has already made Rs 60 crore out of its pre-release sale of rights. The film needs another Rs 50-55 crore in terms of ticket sales to break even.The release that both films are getting reflects their budget. Backed by Disney, Mohenjo Daro is releasing on about 2300-2500 screen. In comparison, Rustom gets 2000 screens. This is the similar kind of divide which was seen when Shah Rukh Khan’s Dilwale clashed with Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone’s Bajirao Mastani in 2015.The first weekend collection of Rustom and Mohenjo Daro will decide which movie earns the box office game.
The great Mohenjo Daro.....awsome